Starting And Operating A Shooting Club Or Group
A guide that will help anyone get a shooting group or club started and running right
I knew it had to answer, in some detail, some significant questions, and give general guidance to someone starting from scratch.
This is a 17 Page Guide that provides the correct, focused information and insight to get up...... Read more
Creative Firing Range Targets
Free, public, National Forest and state Game and Fish firing ranges are found throughout the U.S. Generally, they are most plentiful in gun friendly states like my state of Arkansas.
Some, like the Brushy Hollow range ......... Read more
Pick the Best Steel Targets for your range use and handgun training.
The Christian Church Group - Right On Target
This article, last updated in 2013, still shows just how it works.
I served as both the Group Leader and part time as Range Safety Officer from February 2007 till mid 2012. There were no accidents, injuries or legal issues. The Group was a picture of integrity for the church it proceeded from. Read more
A Day at the Range With A Church Group
NOTE: I retired the church group, Right On Target in mid 2012. This was after 4 1/2 years of great times, safe shooting with no injuries, and a good reputation as a ministry aspect of our church.
At the time, from 2007 - 2012, the Group became a standard across the U.S. for other groups that started, even in firearms hating states like Illinois. Read more
Get the Armed Volunteer Church Security Guide - Now on Amazon Kindle.